Last May, MAPFRE celebrated its 90th birthday and the journey that has brought us closer to our centenary year in a world like the present, where everything is born, transformed and dies at full speed. Not at MAPFRE though. Our company was founded in 1933, and we have transformed ever since to remain at the forefront of the industry and to respond, at all times, to the needs of our customers. What’s more, we have a very bright future ahead of us. Having achieved the highest revenue in our history — almost €30 billion — we are the leading Spanish company in the world and the leading insurance company in Latin America, and we boast one of the biggest reinsurers in the world.
Ninety years of commitment to people, of firm and ethically faultless values; ninety years of efforts and hopes of several generations of professionals who have contributed to the development and transformation of the company. Ninety years of customers’ trust cannot be achieved without firm, lasting values or without an enormous capacity for transformation to be able to progress at least at the same pace as the societies we protect.
We’re also celebrating a 30th birthday, marking a third of the company’s overall journey, since the first edition of our magazine, The World of MAPFRE, which was created in 1993 as the company’s main channel of internal communication. In the first issue of the “Internal MAPFRE System Magazine,” we made reference to our role in the emblematic year of 1992, both in the “MAPFRE 1492 Collections,” which formed part of the Spanish cultural offer to the world during the Seville World Expo and the inauguration by the King and Queen of Spain of the impressive MAPFRE Tower in Olympic host city Barcelona, a recently and comprehensively remodeled building that has endured over time to become one of the most identifiable landmarks on the city’s skyline.
That first edition, with a cover letter signed by Julio Castelo, then chairman of MAPFRE Mutualidad, contained many of the features that continue to be our hallmarks to this day. For example, an article by the Spanish Minister of the Economy at the time, Carlos Solchaga, praising the opportunities in Latin America for the Spanish economy; or a report on the Insurance Ombudsman, a MAPFRE innovation that, like many others for which we have been pioneers, has ended up being launched by other companies; or to cite another example, an extensive report on prevention and the importance of seat belts.
Ninety years of commitment to people, firm and ethically faultless values, efforts and hopes of several generations of professionals. Ninety years of history, proud of being leaders in latin america and the biggest spanish insurance company in the world
Although our magazine is only periodic, the rest of the company’s communication channels are perfectly deployed to tell our story and our corporate purpose
Over the last 30 years, The World of MAPFRE has also witnessed the major transformation of the company, as well as of the societies in which we have been present. First on paper and then, in line with our commitment to sustainability, reducing the print run to give more prominence to the digital version.
When the magazine was first created, as indicated previously, it was essentially MAPFRE’s only internal communication channel; today however, we are a company that is completely open to society, with firm commitments to transparency in communication and different channels to connect with our different stakeholders wherever they are located. The world has changed tremendously over the past 30 years, and so has MAPFRE. With this in mind, dear reader, after thanking you for your loyalty throughout this entire time, here is our latest issue of The World of MAPFRE, which provides a summary of our activity. The real world moves very quickly, and we are one of the main players in this fast-paced society where information flows through a variety of channels. Although our magazine is only periodic, the rest of the company’s communication channels are perfectly deployed to tell our story and our corporate purpose. Our raison d’etre in our daily activities, which can be summarized in the expression “we care about what matters to you,” represents what we are: a reliable company that protects you against risks so that you can focus on what is really important to you with peace of mind.
Thirty years later, 90 years later, we continue to have the same dedication to quality in our products and services and the same commitment to the people with whom we interact and to the societies in which we are present. We continue to move forward with the confidence of having built a solid and solvent past, a brilliant present and with our eyes set on a very bright future.
Antonio Huertas
Presidente de MAPFRE