Have you heard about our whistleblowing channels?

Jul 23, 2023 | I am MAPFRE

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Companies have increasingly adopted the use of whistleblowing channels as a way of preventing internal irregularities.

At MAPFRE, you have two channels at your disposal, and you can use them to report these irregularities, fraud, unlawful acts, breaches of the law, misconduct and corruption at MAPFRE.

The aim is to combat situations that could be in breach of the values to which MAPFRE is committed.

Financial and accounting whistleblowing channel at the MAPFRE Group

You can use it to report potentially significant financial and accounting irregularities that you notice at the company.

The Audit and Compliance Committee at MAPFRE S.A., which receives these complaints, will hear about and resolve them via this channel, acting with complete independence and full respect for those affected. All complaints are processed confidentially and always with respect for the rights of the complainant and the defendant.

Channel for queries or complaints regarding the Code of Ethics and Conduct

You can report any situation that may involve a breach or violation of the principles and ethical or conduct standards set out in the MAPFRE Code of Ethics and Conduct, as well as relay your concerns about its application.

To guarantee confidentiality, the secretary of the Ethics Committee receives queries and complaints directly. The principles for processing and resolving them are included in the Code itself, which also establishes the Committee’s competence to hear them and propose the appropriate penalty for any breach of the Code.


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