Contraception features in the campaign on gender-specific health

Oct 22, 2019 | Keeping Well

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“Together, healthy” aims to inform and raise awareness about healthcare issues from a gender perspective, always taking into account the biological differences that exist between men and women.

In recent weeks, our gender-specific health campaign has focused on male and female contraception. For each of the cases, the information explained in detail in the People area are the methods that exist for each sex. They must be adapted to suit each particular situation and the needs of the person who decides to use them. Choosing the right contraceptive is key to sexual health.

Both items are available in the People area, in the section MAPFRE Looks After Me – Health and Well-being – Health Promotion – Gender-Specific Health and are in addition to those already published as part of the campaign “Together, healthy”:

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia
  • Urinary infections in men and women
  • Cervical cancer

Over the next few months we will continue offering you the remaining contents of this campaign, among others: andropause, menopause, breast and prostate cancer, and male and female psychology.

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