Do you want to grow professionally?

Jul 15, 2019 | I am MAPFRE, PEOPLE

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MAPFRE places at your disposal the tools you need to do so


For MAPFRE, people are at the center of its activities and developing them is a strategic priority for us, given that what sets our company apart is, precisely, the human resources we can rely on. This development extends to all those of us who form part of this company, with the aim of making us better at our job. Developing that potential is not exclusively a task for the company, but rather the responsibility of each and every one of us. We are the protagonists of growing our own talent.

This growth can ensure an increase in productivity for the company, but it also offers you the opportunity to enhance your employability, adapt and reinvent yourself in our current professional environment. We must seek a balance between the organization’s business needs and the desires, expectations and potential of the employees.

Providing you with learning opportunities and mobility options, encouraging, valuing and recognizing the merit of your ideas, seeking your best experience within the company and providing you with all the information you need are just some of the tools MAPFRE puts at your disposal for your professional development.

Training and your professional development

This is one of the first levers we think of when we want to develop our career. This is because, in order to grow and improve, continuous training is essential if we are to acquire new knowledge, skills and habits. Nowadays, it is not only important to have received training in a particular profession, but rather we must constantly renew our skills so as to adapt to the needs of an increasingly changing environment. This is an investment in your future, in the short, medium and long term.

In MAPFRE we promote continuous learning and the development of technical knowledge for our employees through the MAPFRE Corporate University, with the focus on:

  • Always linking knowledge to our strategy and business objectives
  • Enhancing technical knowhow and encouraging sharing it
  • Taking advantage of internal training
  • Gauging the impact of training on the job position
  • Engaging Management in the training of employees
  • Reinforcing knowledge of the MAPFRE culture

With this strategic approach, the training tools that MAPFRE offers you for your development are:


With Self-learning, MAPFRE places at your disposal an open catalog of online training resources with technical content, related both to your function and others within the company. Thus, according to your interests, you can design your own learning path. This catalog is reinforced with transversal contents on skills, culture and global policies.

This material is available to you through the Success Factors platform (if you are working in Spain, you can access it from Self-Direction). The catalog has more than 200 training resources available and, in 2018, there were over 5,200 selfregistrations.

Mentoring Programs

Mentoring is a tool based on taking advantage of the transfer of knowledge, values and culture, as well as learning through experience. Two kinds have been implemented in MAPFRE: traditional and reverse mentoring; in the former, senior professionals with great experience exercise as mentors for employees with more junior profiles; and in reverse mentoring, employees, generally with more junior, digital profiles, transfer to more senior profiles their experience in the use of digital tools, collaborative platforms, social media and the latest trends. This facilitates the learning process as regards digital content so that the more senior personnel can successfully deal with the new digital transformation scenario within which our company is moving.

¿Quieres crecer profesionalmente?

In general, the selection of mentors and mentees is carried out by each company from HR and the different areas. In some countries, such as Puerto Rico, there also exists the option of employees putting themselves forward as mentors, particularly for the reverse mentoring option. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact your HR team.

This kind of program, a clear example of how generational diversity is of tremendous value to MAPFRE, began in 2018. That year ended with 215 mentors and 263 mentees in traditional mentoring, and 64 mentors and 75 mentees in the reverse mentoring program.

This year, with the training program designed by MAPFRE for mentors and mentees, the first 25 mentors have already been certified in Spain by the Alfonso X el Sabio University.

Training Itineraries

These are training routes designed for certain Business job positions which establish common technical training for all employees occupying those positions in each country. In 2018, the training itineraries were deployed for processors, issuers and telephone agents, targeting over 4,150 employees around the world.

This is an annual, continuous training course designed to foster development and growth in the professional career of those positions. The training itineraries are implemented by each HR area in coordination with the local experts in each country or region, specialists in the different subjects or business areas involved.

MAPFRE invested 15,462,601 euros in training in 2018, amounting to an average investment per employee of 437 euros.

Mobility in your professional development

Mobility remains key in MAPFRE for your development and to enhance your employability. Our company is committed to it. In 2018, we exceeded the goal of reaching a global mobility rate of over 10.5 percent of the workforce, and we achieved 12.11 percent in internal mobility, which represents 4,318 employees. Mobility offers you the chance to grow professionally, as you enrich your job history (by engaging with other businesses, projects, tools, etc.) and experience other realities and dynamics that enhance your knowledge, vision and ability to come up with solutions; you learn how to respond better when faced with new situations and people, and you get a broader vision of the company.

Through Success Factors, you can access all the offers and apply for the vacancies in your country (Local) and certain vacancies in other countries (Global), as well as discover what exactly our company is seeking. This access is available to you on the global intranet, in the area People–Your Opportunities.

In addition to general mobility, in MAPFRE there exist other international mobility experiences – international career and temporary mobility – designed to cover strategic positions in any part of the world. If you are interested in forming part of any of them, you must indicate this on your Success Factors profile, so that MAPFRE can count on you as soon as such a business need arises.

The international career enables you to develop your career in management positions or those that require great expertise, increasing your responsibility in another country. The vast majority of our senior managers developed part of their career outside their country of origin.

The temporary mobility option is a fixed-duration transfer to another country which enables employees identified as being suitable candidates – due to either their command of a function or their global vision – to undertake an advantageous bidirectional exchange of best practices in the main functions. The task force projects fall within this mobility category. A total of 22 employees participated in these projects in 2018.

The recognition programs in your professional development

They are designed to acknowledge:

  • Your contribution to the implementation of the strategy
  • Your career
  • Your participation in the resolution of significant events
  • Your participation in the achievement of extraordinary results
  • Your commitment to MAPFRE-style behaviors and spreading its culture and values.
  • Your innovative initiatives. These include Innova, this intrapreneurship program focuses on the innovative capacity of the employees themselves, the recognition programs in Turkey, United States, MAPFRE TECH and, more recently, that launched by the Corporate Areas, designed to recognize the new behaviors of MAPFRE, key to our daily work routine: Collaborate, Innovate and Be Agile, both individually and as a group.

Para MAPFRE, valorar y reconocer el esfuerzo individual de cada empleado es clave.

For MAPFRE, evaluating and recognizing the individual efforts of each employee is key. In this regard, the evaluation model is the principal process for assessing and objectively recognizing the individual contribution of each employee to the strategy, identifying the internal talent and discovering the strengths and development areas of the employees.

Performance evaluation

Therefore, performance evaluation is yet another tool that MAPFRE places at your disposal for your professional development, heading toward a high performance culture from which both the individual and the company benefit.

In 2019, the new continuous assessment model has been deployed. Its fundamental idea is to be employee-centric and it has the following objectives:

  • Generate more conversation spaces focused on assessing efforts, recognizing achievements and guiding the work we do
  • Boost the adoption of the new MAPFRE behaviors through continuous feedback and 360º evaluation, which allows for reflection on successes and failures in order to learn from them
  • Impact on productivity by defining and monitoring key activities that contribute to the achievement of objectives
  • Identify high and low potential through an overall, more objective assessment

This new model is implemented through Success Factors.

A further element to support your growth, in which you are the protagonist.

Career and development plans

MAPFRE offers you two compatible possibilities as a means to advancing within the company: career and development plans. Both options involve a series of actions related to training, mentoring, retribution, mobility and recognition. The development plans are designed individually for certain employees and the career plans are designed for key groups within the company. Moreover, they are both elements for retaining internal talent and attracting external talent.

2018 saw the deployment of individual development plans with the definition of 3,702 of them.

The career plans are being developed locally under the umbrella of the country’s strategy, or globally according to the corporate strategy. In 2018, career plans were launched for the profiles of Actuaries, Auditors and Global Risk Underwriters and Engineers, these last two at MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS, and Underwriters also in MAPFRE RE. In total, professional career plans have been developed for 1,888 employees. These plans have existed for some time now in MAPFRE Spain for the various figures within the Sales collective: sales consultants, office managers, office heads, specific network sales consultants and account executives.


Fluid communication and constant information on what is happening in the company are also important in this growth process of those of us who make up MAPFRE. For this reason, Human Resources has various different channels, among others the People area of the intranet, through which they communicate with employees, and from which they offer you the information and tools we have been talking about here. To all this we must add that effective professional development improves the satisfaction of workers and their self-esteem, minimizes stress and fortifies their physical and psychological health.

As you can see, there are many tools MAPFRE makes available to you in order to manage and develop your career, but, in the end, you are THE PROTAGONIST. So, we invite you to make the best possible use of all the options at your disposal for developing your talent.

Along the way, the role of Human Resources can make the difference between employee satisfaction and discontent. For this reason, remember that your HR team is always at your disposal, your best partner for collaborating on your professional development.

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