Digital Champions, our Digital Workplace travel partners

Jan 28, 2022 | Protagonists

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When we face a change, no matter how hard we try, we can’t help but feel a bit of fear and worry: “I’ve always done it like this, why change now?” Digital Workplace invites us to adopt new habits in our day-to-day work and to make better use of collaborative tools, all to be more productive. To help us cope with this change, it is essential to have a friendly face, someone close to us who will be there, build trust and help us overcome the barriers we will encounter along the way. As part of the Digital Workplace’s strategy for management of change, a network of change agents, the Digital Champions, has been deployed worldwide. They are that friendly face that adapts to our level and pace of learning so as to help us in adopting new ways of working in the new digital environment.

This article introduces some of these agents of change who tell us about their experience in recent months.

Pedro Tavares do Espíritu Santo Silva

Pedro Tavares do Espíritu Santo Silva

Deputy Manager of Global Infraestructure Transformation. Corporate areas

The digital transformation is like a voyage into the future of work

Much is changing in the way we work. It’s not only the tools, which are evolving practically every day, but also the activities we do, which require more agility and the ability to collaborate. And that’s why we must change, because digital transformation won’t happen if we use the new tools to do the same old thing.

We tend to be our own worst enemy: we don’t spend time learning how to use the tools we have, beyond the basics, or trying alternative ways of organizing ourselves, and we end up complaining that we don’t have time. If we manage to discover our time thieves and take them “to jail” we regain time.

The Digital Workplace project gave us an opportunity to take that pause, to learn, test and share what works for some and may work for some others. The starting point was the pain points that we all experienced in some way: this meeting is for what, where is the document, who was going to do that? So there was a lot of empathy from the start. I was delighted to see so many excited colleagues, trying out how to do things differently and discovering how to be more efficient. More than a project, Digital Workplace has created a community of people who continue to share the solutions they find. The digital transformation will not end; it’s like a voyage into the future of work…And traveling is best when in the company of enthusiastic people.

Luis Cases Berbel

Luis Cases Berbel

Innovation Technician MAPFRE Spain

The Digital Workplace is helping us make the real leap to 21st century business

I think being designated a “Digital Champion” and joining the community is a personal recognition that gives me great satisfaction. It makes me feel that I belong to an “advance guard” to help build the way we should work in MAPFRE in the future or, better said, already in the present: a much more agile, collaborative and shared way in which people’s knowledge and experience flow. Something I was missing a lot until now. I even perceive a responsibility as a “pioneer,” so that this way of working will take hold and spread in the company. As part of my department’s work, I have had dealings with other major companies and I have seen that they operate in a similar way to ours. This preparation in digital skills enables me to interact much better internally but also with the world outside MAPFRE. When other companies work with us, they come to value our company and us as employees even more because of our skills and knowledge. We undoubtedly become more valuable.

For me personally it helps me to work better and more comfortably, lightening a lot of heavy work that prevents me from concentrating on what is really valuable, and it also satisfies my curiosity. I also learn more about the company and find out and understand things that are happening and what my colleagues are doing. Shared knowledge is an open door: to understand and comprehend the work of many previously unknown departments and see how that impacts my own work.

Digital Workplace is helping MAPFRE and its employees make the real leap to 21st century business. The Digital Workplace makes you a better professional.

Daniel Augusto Ramos Ramella

Daniel Augusto Ramos Ramella

People and Organization Expert MAPFRE Peru

If my colleagues are happy, I’m happy

It is a great experience, I am really enjoying being a Digital Champion. That’s because I’m doing what I like in life: training, helping others so they can optimize their work so they can be happier.  We are drivers of change, because in the training given, the groups have found more agile ways of working when adopting digital habits.

The value it brings us is that both myself and my colleagues are happier, because by internalizing digital habits, work becomes much more agile. If my colleagues are happy, I’m happy.

For MAPFRE, Digital Workplace is a contribution to being a company aligned with its vision, as more agile environments, collaborative work, information and immediate responses are aspects that generate more trust between areas and workers.

Estela de Frutos Sancho

Estela de Frutos Sancho

Actuary. Capital Models and Financial Reporting. Corporate areas

It’s about reinforcing a more digital mindset

For me it has been a very enriching experience that offers me the opportunity to participate in forums with colleagues from other areas where we can share experiences and continue training. This makes it easier to provide ongoing training for everyone.

I think it is very useful for my colleagues to have a go-to person who is responsible for helping them with any questions that arise in using the tools, who can act as a transmitter of information and help manage change for the team to adapt to the new digital requirements.

In my case, my role as Digital Champion allows me to further develop my digital skills.

We are learning to better manage the tools that help us work more efficiently and will allow us to increase productivity, organizational agility and knowledge. Moreover, it is not just a matter of adapting to the use of tools, but also of reinforcing a more digital mindset.

María Pedraza Medina

María Pedraza Medina

Regional General Manager of Technology RGM South MAPFRE Spain

A real delight

I am living the experience of being a Digital Champion like any new experience that involves a change, as an opportunity. Undoubtedly, we must make the most of it and work in alignment with all the initiatives arising from the Digital Challenge that MAPFRE is materializing in its important digitalization strategy. It is a pleasure to accompany all users in this process of development and change. A real delight.

Our role is linked to management of change and the digital transformation, so it is up to us to deal with this process by facilitating as much as possible the implementation of collaboration tools that help optimize our work time and that of all users. To do this, we use a disruptive training method with innovative reinforcement classes called CONECTA-2 that focus on fundamental concepts (no detours or endless introductions), with free attendance and a maximum duration of 30 minutes (first thing in the morning so as not to interfere with users’ daily activity) that are garnering a positive reaction in our RGM and, I know, in others as well. Undoubtedly, the implementation of tools is essential and has become one of the mainstays of our work at this stage.

The acceleration of digitalization processes and, in general, of all aspects of our daily lives, translates into the need for immediacy in management. Collaboration tools provide us with values such as effective team management, meeting management and, above all, organization of our time, which, thanks to them, we distribute in a more efficient way.

It would be a mistake to think that the circumstances we are living in do not allow us to innovate. In recent times, we have all been learning about new technologies at a frenetic pace and it is something that is here to stay. We cannot lag behind. In fact, we have to take the lead. This is the contribution that Digital Workplace is making to MAPFRE to position us in the place we deserve.

Erika Bahena Beltrán

Erika Bahena Beltrán

Training Specialist MAPFRE Mexico

It’s a big commitment!

I see this experience as a great opportunity to collaborate, share practices, experiences and ideas actively among colleagues. It is a challenge to be part of a project that requires dedication, people working together closely and empathy.  

For my colleagues it is quite valuable to have resources and tools available that generate added value in the performance of our daily duties. This way we can manage our time better and, above all, we can communicate in a timely manner.

For me, without a doubt, this experience has helped me to understand that putting myself at the service of other people is a big commitment!

I believe that Digital Workplace has highlighted the need for flexibility, autonomy, personal benefits and benefits for the company due to the efficiency of the technological resources that MAPFRE provides, the same ones that reduce the communication gap. At MAPFRE we are in an important moment of TRANSFORMATION, and a critical part of it is digitalization.

Luis Miguel Borges Ortega

Luis Miguel Borges Ortega

Training Specialist MAPFRE Mexico

Digital Workplace gives me a great sense of proximity to all of our intermediaries

I am proud to be a part of this project. It was a great experience to be the Champion of the first transition group in Mexico and, above all, because my team is made up of the company’s top business leaders.

More than a training role, my role was to accompany my colleagues and advise them in the daily use of the digital tools that MAPFRE provides to us. Digital Workplace gives us a new view of how we can be more effective in our work through new collaborative tools.

I really like to be the reference to digital change in my work team, I feel very excited every time I support a colleague and he/she is running the new digital tools in their day to day work.

Digital Workplace ultimately improves the day-to-day work of all MAPFRE employees and it gives me great digital proximity to all our intermediaries. In addition, it provides a more innovative, modern and digital image to the company and improves the way employees work through use of the new digital tools to achieve more efficient processes.

Shalimar Vázquez Hernández

Shalimar Vázquez Hernández

Human Resources Coordinator MAPFRE Puerto Rico

Starting to see the fruit has made me feel that I am part of the transformation that MAPFRE seeks

The experience of being part of the Digital Champions has been rewarding. I was delighted to be part of this project, to be able to contribute my knowledge of digital tools to the employees. In addition, I have seen how my contribution has helped employees to change or acquire new work habits to be more productive and agile. Being able to advise them and starting to see the fruit has made me feel that I am part of the transformation that MAPFRE seeks. This project is definitely a pillar for MAPFRE to double down on its bet on technology and digitalization for the benefit of its employees and clients.
Rosemeire R.L. Dos Santos

Rosemeire R.L. Dos Santos

Training and Culture. MAPFRE Brazil

Send it to me via Teams!

I have my day-to-day work organized in every task I set out to do. I always think about what resource, tool or digital behavior I can rely on.

I am always suggesting or, rather, encouraging my coworkers; not only my own team but also in the interactions I have with other areas, urging them to use those resources. Whenever someone tells me they are going to send me something by email, I always say: “No, send it to me via Teams!”

And we have a team in Teams made up of colleagues whose role is to improve the use of the tools.

I believe that the use of Digital Workplace has brought enormous possibilities for collaborative work and agility. However, we must be careful not to revert to the old model.

Juliana Casemiro Carboni

Juliana Casemiro Carboni

Process and Project Specialist. MAPFRE Brazil

If we can manage our time better and have a ‘fresher’ head, we can focus on new strategies for the business

We always hear the phrase: “Knowledge saved is knowledge lost” and indeed it is! Sharing my knowledge about Digital Workplace is not only about sharing and reviewing information. It is a way to open a space for exchange, for both personal and professional growth. It allows me to meet new people, to perceive new perspectives. Besides, for me it is a stimulus, because to be able to transmit this knowledge, first I have to prepare myself, seek out new information, new challenges and this obviously helps me develop.

In April I moved to another area and, in discussing the team’s challenges, we identified the need to have a stricter and more collaborative control of certain cases that presented irregularities. I then introduced them to the Planner tool, which I was already using for planning and managing my activities, and we implemented it in our day-to-day work. For me, situations like this, where I feel needed, are the fuel that drives me, because the truth is that our professional growth depends on how much we are willing to offer to contribute to the growth of others.

With the advance of technology and the increase in the speed of information, the world has become immediate and impatient, and this is often overwhelming for us. Learning to use technology to our advantage and making use of the resources of Office365 helps us gain efficiency and agility. If we can manage our time better and become more productive, with a ‘fresher’ head, we can focus on creating new strategies for the business.”

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