Discover the photographs that won the Creativity Contest and the people who took them!

Sep 17, 2021 | I am MAPFRE

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The common theme of the fifth edition of the MAPFRE Creativity Competition — “The world is full of impossible things” — was to creatively evoke special moments full of positivity and optimism.

With photos sent from 15 countries, here are the three winning photos and what the people that took them had to say about their shot.

In this fifth edition, there was a 1,000 euro/dollar prize for the winner, 750 euros/dollars for second place, and 500 euros/dollars for third place.

Congratulations to all the winners, finalists, and everyone who entered their impressive and highly creative pieces!

Take a look at all the finalist photos. You can find them in the People space on the intranet, which you can reach from the banner on the homepage.

First prize

Bringing color to my day
Miguel A. Palacio Céspedes (Colombia)
What sense of positivity do you want to get across in this photo? “Each day brings new challenges, and we have to face them with a positive attitude and make them possible to overcome.”

Second prize

“Dad, I’m going to travel to the moon and back …” Nothing is impossible for children
Ignacio Villarreal (Argentina)
What inspired you to take this photo? “I was inspired by Pedro’s (my son) suggestions/worries. He is at an age when his imagination is the force behind all his ideas.”

Third prize

The bridge in the woods. Madmen open the paths which are later traversed by the wise
Evart Estuardo Boche Alvarado (Guatemala)
Why did you take part in the contest? “I wanted to have a new, exciting experience and capture it in a photo.”

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