Safe place for all

Dec 3, 2020 | I am MAPFRE

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Early November in Spain saw the launch of “MAPFRE COVID Radar” within the People App. This functionality warns about the safety distance and any contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19. Thus, any employee who activates it can move around their work center with complete confidence. Likewise, thanks to this technology, we can manage the capacity of common areas such as cafeterias and offices within our work centers.

Ensuring the health and safety of those working at MAPFRE is one of the company’s priorities. MAPFRE has just implemented a functionality within the People App that guarantees the safety of those of us returning to the workplace. Called MAPFRE COVID Radar, it offers two highly effective measures:

  • Guarantee the established safe distance: it sends a message to the user’s cell phone indicating that they were less than the recommended distance (1.5 meters) from another person for over 15 minutes.
  • Protect health: it sends a message to the cell phone informing users if they have been in contact with a colleague who was diagnosed with COVID-19, advising them that they should contact their medical service for more precise instructions.

Technology is a great ally when it comes to helping us with these health and safety measures that COVID-19 requires. In order to receive these alerts, you must bear in mind that this technology requires you to maintain the following enabled/activated on your phone:

  • Bluetooth
  • Location. The functionality will never use or store these data
  • Notifications
  • Internet access

In addition:

  • Battery saving and optimization options must be disabled
  • The People App must be open and able to run in the background

In the People App section, available on the global intranet in the People Space, you will find all the information on the requirements and device types on which MAPFRE COVID Radar works.

Privacy guaranteed

In no case will the functionality tell you who the person diagnosed with COVID-19 is, nor the person with whom the recommended safe distance was not maintained, because:

  • Data are anonymized, i.e. the system only recognizes identifiers and not personspecific data
  • No tracking exists, which means that it does not record or save location information. It does not use geolocation or GPS.

The data used by this functionality will be available exclusively to the SPM (MAPFRE Prevention Service).

MOST IMPORTANT: All of the above requirements must be met before the medical service can record the data.

MAPFRE COVID RADAR works both inside and outside the work center, but only with another phone that has downloaded the MAPFRE People App, enabled the functionality and fulfilled the said requirements.

Activate it for your safety and that of everyone else!

Making it easier to achieve safer spaces

Likewise designed to safeguard the health and safety of employees who are physically present in the workplace, a system to limit capacity by reserving cafeterias and offices within the work center has also been developed for the People App.

Thanks to this new system, employees can access a calendar and choose their preferred meal schedule (date and time), thereby ensuring these common areas can also be safe zones.

How can you activate the people app?

Scan this QR code and follow the instructions given:

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