‘Constante Futuro,’ MAPFRE’s new podcast… Have you visited our channel?

Oct 24, 2022 | I am MAPFRE

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MAPFRE has been overhauling its communication strategy for some time now to adapt it to the current environment and to the content demanded by users. The key is not only to generate relevant content but also to broadcast it via channels that suit users’ lifestyles.

One of these channels is podcasting, which the company has been exploring over the past year on a specific section on the website www.mapfre.com. This space hosts several programs and has just seen its offer expanded with the launch of ‘Constante Futuro,’ MAPFRE’s latest foray into the podcast ecosystem. We tell you all about it in the following article.

A podcast is a multimedia file that is uploaded to the Internet and can be played by users at any time. This type of communication offers a great advantage: it adapts to the user, i.e., the listener can continue doing other activities (driving, playing sports, etc.) while receiving the information, and you don’t need sophisticated devices to play it.

This type of content has taken off in recent years and is part of the advance of digital audio consumption, which includes the consumption of music through streaming platforms and online radio stations and, finally, the consumption of podcasts through the same platforms.

At the beginning of last year, MAPFRE’s external relations and communications area embarked on the launch of a new company podcast channel, which would serve to give voice to some of the main content we develop in-house: A company like MAPFRE has many stories to tell. The narratives for doing so are almost infinite, and the objective is to find ways to bring our content to the greatest number of users possible.

The first program to lead the way was La Bolsa de Deporte, a space that blends two apparently separate worlds, but with many points in common: financial investment and sport. The program is presented by Luis García, Manager at MAPFRE AM in charge of the Behavioral Fund, whose principal investments include shares in several European football teams.

In its 24 episodes to date, Luis García has talked to athletes such as Víctor Claver, Sergi Bruguera, Borja Iglesias, and Esteban Granero. The program serves to shed light on a little-known facet of professional athletes: how they manage their savings. ‘La Bolsa de Deporte’ was recently nominated as one of the best audio strategies at the Dircom Ramón del Corral awards. The different episodes have racked up more than 15,000 listens since its launch.

We hope you like it! Welcome!

Next on the list was Economics Café, a space to analyze the latest in economics and insurance from the experts at MAPFRE Economics, the company’s economic research service.

During the 19 episodes published so far, Manuel Aguilera, General Manager, Gonzalo de Cadenas-Santiago, Director of Macroeconomics and Financial Analysis, and Ricardo González, Director of Analysis, Sectoral Research, and Regulation, have engaged with other economists and renowned experts on issues such as the impact of the pandemic on the economies of Latin America and the evolution of cyber-risks and their impact on the insurance industry. More than 7,500 users have listened to the different episodes of Economics Café so far.

The third topic raised in the MAPFRE podcast space is innovation. First, on Código Insur_space, a program presented by Joan Cuscó, the company’s global head of transformation. In seven episodes over the course of 2021, Cuscó analyzed current trends in innovation.

‘Código Insurspace’ has recently passed the baton to the latest venture from MAPFRE: Constante Futuro. This new program looks to connect with the specialist community of the innovation ecosystem. To do so, we chose the MIT Technology Review in Spanish, a leading technology publication in LATAM and a strategic ally of entrepreneurship and innovation in the mobility, health, home, life, and business sectors, among others, which are so closely linked to our activity at MAPFRE.

This new program features monthly episodes and is already available on the MAPFRE website and on the main podcast platforms. In the first episode, we discuss current affairs in the start-up ecosystem with Sofía Benjumea, Head of Google for Startups in Europe, Middle East, and Africa, who offers advice and insight into the world of entrepreneurship and talent.

If you still haven’t visited, we encourage you to check out our podcast section, where you can join our conversation at any time and on any mobile device.

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