Marcos Ferreira
CEO of LATAM South
“Prioritizing the essential and reinforcing MAPFRE’s spirit of service”
For Marcos Ferreira, CEO of LATAM South, “this period of confinement and limitations on movement has served to demonstrate that our organization possesses the people, infrastructure and tools necessary to deal with such an exceptional situation as this pandemic.”
“Following MAPFRE’s corporate guidelines, the initial measures were designed to safeguard and protect the lives of our employees. In many countries, we even anticipated the implementation of the measures suggested by our local governments. The region already had a high proportion of digital services, and this was key,” Ferreira stresses.
In addition, everything was done to enable all our employees to work from home, deploying the collaboration and video conferencing tools needed. For the Contact Centers, a solution was deployed that allows operators and agents to work remotely from their homes, with Internet access to applications and VoIP telephone calls.
Working in coordination with the Crisis and Business Continuity Committees in each of the countries, it proved possible, thanks to our remote channels, to guarantee the operational resources necessary to satisfy the needs of our group’s clients, distributors and providers.
We were thus able to guarantee that all of the MAPFRE team in LATAM South were connected and safe!”
Ferreira highlights the fact that “initiatives to support distributors and service providers were launched in all the countries, with a view to ensuring they could all keep working and respond to their commitments. Worth noting is the synergy between the Insurance and Assistance units, and the ability of the teams to prioritize the truly essential, reinforce MAPFRE’s spirit of service and continue tackling this contingency situation with rigorous management of expenses and projects. With these measures and the tremendous support of the Group, this new situation can be faced with guarantees of liquidity and solvency.”
And he concludes, “We all know that this is a transitional period and, in the end, we will emerge stronger from this experience as individuals, professionals and society as a whole, and even more proud of forming part of the MAPFRE TEAM.