Together for the training of new leaders

Sep 1, 2017 | FOUNDATION NEWS, Fundación MAPFRE, Noticias Fundación

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Fundación MAPFRE recently initiated a collaboration with the NPH Seattle Institute Leadership Program, an initiative to train a new generation of leaders for many local communities in Latin America
and the Caribbean.

NPH — Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos [Our Little Brothers & Sisters] — offers promising youngsters the opportunity to be trained as leaders in the United States. The main objective is to develop talented young leaders by maximizing their potential so that they will then be able to help their local communities.

To date, a total of 32 young people have graduated from the Seattle Institute and are continuing their university studies in a variety of fields. The students taking the 2017-2018 course arrived in mid-September from Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.

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